WRECF policing priorities that were conducted between February 2021 and June 2021. The below priorities are now complete.
- Inconsiderate/dangerous parking patrols – Bubbenhall: Warwick Rural East SNT conducted 15 dedicated patrols in Bubbenhall monitoring areas where unnecessary/dangerous parking has been raised a concern by the local community. 7 motorists have been reported for causing an unnecessary obstruction. A number of motorists were given words of advice. The local community and key community representatives were engaged with.
- ASB/drug prevention patrols – Baginton: Warwick Rural East SNT conducted 13 dedicated foot patrols in Baginton, along with mobile patrols where necessary. Areas of concern checked. Crime prevention signage has been provided where necessary. The local community and key community representatives were engaged with.
- ASB/drug prevention patrols – Radford Semele: Warwick Rural East SNT conducted 17 dedicated foot patrols in Radford Semele, along with mobile patrols where necessary. Areas of concern checked. A number of persons and vehicles were checked where there were appropriate grounds. The local community and key community representatives were engaged with. WRE SNT were able to act on information received by the local community re suspected drug activity. Response officers attended a cannabis grow at a residential property. Four males were arrested and remanded in custody.
- Speed checks/monitoring – Rugby Road, Cubbington (between Windmill Hill & Rugby Road shops): Warwick Rural East SNT conducted 10 speed checks/monitoring sessions (each session approx 1 hour) on Rugby Road, Cubbington. 91 warning letters were sent to motorists, 1 motorist was advised at the roadside and 3 motorists were visited at their home addresses for exceeding the 30mph speed limit.
Changes to the Warwickshire Police Community Messaging Service (CMS)IMPORTANT - Please read. This message applies to Warwickshire CMS subscribers ONLY
Message from Chief Superintendent Ben Smith: Changes to our community messaging service
Key to Warwickshire Police protecting people from harm is how we engage with our communities.
Back in 2016 we introduced this digital platform, our Community Messaging System (CMS), to enable us to provide information direct to service subscribers.
This has been hugely beneficial and we hope you have valued the messages you have received via this system.
Following feedback and a review of the current CMS we have taken the decision to not continue using this current platform going forwards. We feel there are new community messaging systems now available which will provide you and the public of Warwickshire with improved services in the future.
Therefore from next week this CMS will no longer operate. We have identified a new community messaging system we hope to use in the very near future and look forward to being in a position to update you about this very soon.
While I appreciate there will be short gap in the availability of a community messaging system while we make these changes, I fully expect in the long term this will provide you with a much improved service tailored to your local needs and communication preferences.
During this interim period we will continue to communicate via our force and local social media accounts (details below) and our force website. Once our new community messaging system is set up we will ensure we promote this and how you can subscribe via our force website, so please do continue to watch this space for further updates.
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and engagement and I look forward to this continuing in the future.
Many thanks
Chief Superintendent Ben Smith
Local Policing
Warwickshire Police
Visit our website – www.warwickshire.police.uk
Follow us on Twitter - @warkspolice or Facebook – warwickshirepolice
Radford Semele Safety & SecurityThank you to all those who came along to the meeting, it was a very good turn out for Radford Semele and helped to convey that we as a village are concerned about our safety and security.
Thank you to PCSO Ed King for his informative session. The pages below have been circulated to those who expressed that they wanted to be informed post the meeting, but we have also posted them here for the wider Radford Semele Community and those who could not make the meeting.
There are a number of useful links at the bottom of this page for information on how to improve the security of your homes, property, family and yourselves.
This page will be updated as more information and advice becomes available.

Warwick Rural East SNT
Jubilee House Kenilworth CV8 1QG
Dial: 01926 684471
Email: wre.snt@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk
Website: www.warwickshire.police.uk
Facebook: Kenilworth and Warwick Rural Police
Twitter: @KenilworthCops
Useful Links:Crimestoppers UK WebsiteCrime Prevention AdviceReasonable ForceImmobilise Property Crime