Radford Semele Parish Council
1 min read
28 Jun

Following advice from the Police, Warwick District Council and Warwickshire County Council and using the guidance set out in the Warwickshire Unauthorised Encampment Protocol, each of the caravan owners have received a Code of Conduct letter from the Police, an eviction notice from Radford Semele Parish Council and following consultations with Warwickshire Police, the Police have issued a Section 60C Notice to Leave Land no later than 12:00 hrs on Sunday 30th June 2024.

Failure to comply with the Section 60C notice can result in Police action being taken to arrest and prosecute those on which the notice has been served as well as the seizure and removal of the vehicles by the Police. 

While they have been on site the members of the unauthorised encampment have been civil and courteous and we would re-iterate that residents remain courteous and do not act in a confrontational manner.

Hopefully this will be resolved as quickly as if can be and we thank the residents of the village for their patience and understanding while we work to resolved this.