1 min read
03 Jul

The clean up team from Warwick District Council completed their clean up of the playing field on Tuesday morning, while the litter was less than last time, there was still plenty to do. And we thank WDC for a rapid response to help.

The Parish Council has disinfected the play equipment and after the overnight rain we think this is sufficient to say that the field is now able to be put back in to use.

Although a significant amount of effort has been put into the decontamination, it’s a big field with lots of nooks and crannies, there may still be the odd surprise lurking but hopefully it’s all cleared, and the rain can only help.

Thank you all for your patience while we have dealt the unauthorised encampment and the subsequent clean up.

Rest assured the Parish Council is actively working to try and prevent a recurrence and please understand if we don’t go too public with what we are doing about it until it is done, although if anyone does have any expertise and resources to assist they can always contact the Parish Council (not through social media) or come along to the next Parish Council meeting, details will be posted on the website.

There is some damage to the play equipment, and we have arranged for a specialist contractor to come in to remedy/repair along with other work needed to the play equipment. Again please bear with us while we get that sorted.