1 min read
03 Mar

The Parish Council has planted a commemorative tree for the Queen's Jubilee and this has been recognised as one of the Queen's Green Canopy trees.

As part of the Cricketers housing development the field access track off Spring Lane was reconstructed leaving a wide verge between the track and the playing field. 

The Parish Council decided to plant a number of young trees in this area to create an avenue. 

Eight of the trees are native (rowan, hazel and crab apple) and a further five are choice medium sized trees which flower in spring and have decorative fruit later with the autumn colour. In addition one splendid large tree was planted. This is a Liquidambar Styraciflua ‘Worplesdon’, a sweet gum tree with maple like leaves that turn to deep orange and yellow in the autumn. This particular tree was chosen for inclusion in the Queen’s Green Canopy map for which the Parish Council has now received a virtual plaque.


Cllr Brian Follett, chair of the Playing Field committee worked with ex councillor Henry Marriott to find and plant a suitable tree for this auspicious occasion.