Radford Semele Parish Council
1 min read
02 Oct

This month has seen the launch of the new combined Radford Semele news letter incorporating FoRGE, Radford Semele Sports and Social Club, Radford Semele Community Hall and Radford Semele Parish Council.

Thanks to the vision of former Parish Councillor Stewart Roe who worked with all parties to bring this about and then to Dave Steel of FoRGE to draft and publish it.

It is planned that this will be a regular publication approximately quarterly and delivered to your door by local vlolunteers from each of the contributors.

Each part of the combined newsletter will still retain its own identity.

As well as hard copies through your letter box, electronic copies are available by clicking on the links below.

Radford Semele Parish Council News Sept 2024 bit.ly/RSPC-0924  

Radford Semele Community Hall News Sept 2024 bit.ly/RSCHN-0924   

Radford Semele Sports & Social Club Newsletter Sept 2024 bit.ly/RSSC-0924  

FoRGE News Sept 2024 bit.ly/FoRGE-0924

Thank you to former Councillor Stewart Roe, Dave Steel and all contributors making this Newsletter happen and come to life.