Radford Semele Parish Council
1 min read
13 Jun

Follwing the upgrading and additional installation of the defibrillators, and following advice from the defibrillator trainers, the Parish Council has added Public Access Trauma (PAcT) Kits, also referred to as Bleed Kits to each of the Defibrillator Cabinets around the village.

Each Trauma pack is equiped with first aid for life-threatening bleed injuries until professional medial help arrives.

The kits are accessable by calling 999 as you would for the defibrillator access.  Each location has the presence of the PAcT kits registered alongside the defibrillator.

The defibrillators and PAct Kts are located at:

The Best One shop 29-31 Lewis Road CV31 1UQ - WhatThreeWords ///hazel.legwork.intruders

The White Lion, 60 Southam Road CV31 1TE - WhatThreeWords ///dignitary.later.cafe

Radford Semele Community Hall, 68 Lewis Road CV31 1UQ - WhatThreeWords ///afterglow.loopholes.commands

These kits, like the defibrillators are provided and managed by the Parish Council. 

When called on (following a 999 call), the Parish Council gets a notification and we follow that up with a check of the cabinet.  In the case of the defibrillator we need to verify that it can be returned to service checking the pads are still un-used - if they are use they will be replaced and the battery is still working. 

For the PAcT kits we will ensure that any used contents will be replenished.

We do need the kits to be returned to the cabinet that they were taken from, alternatively contact the Clerk to the Parish Council on 01926 330844, or drop an email to defibrillators@radfordsemelepc.org.uk.